Holy Days of Obligation (other than public holidays): 7:00 AM & 6:30 PM Latin Mass
Holy Days of Obligation which coincide with public holidays: 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Latin Mass
Check the bulletin for changes and/or the calendar for special event Masses.
Note: The PER IPSUM readings sometimes do not coincide with the 1962 Liturgical Ordo. If you wish to know what the Mass of the Day will be, refer to the Liturgical Calendar.
Rosary Makers Update:
Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Makers made 65 Rosaries during the month of May. The year-to-date total is 362 rosaries toward their goal of 800 for 2024!
Please consider making a donation to continue this work of mercy. Envelopes are available in the vestibule. For more information on this ministry, please click the link: Rosary Guild Ministry. Thank you for your continued support!